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Monographic exhibition catalogue
Hommage à Marc Chagall
- Paris, RMN-Réunion des Musées nationaux, 1969
- 320 pages
- 8 1/16 x 9 3/16 in.
- French
- Préface, p. VII - XI, LEYMARIE Jean
Biblical Subject or Jacob and Rachel, 1951
Birthday, circa 1968
Blue Donkey With Flowers, 1953
Characters, Landscape, and Bouquet, 1955
Christ, 1951 - 1952
Christ on The Cross, 1952 - 1954
Christ on the Cross or Christ at Night, 1950
Circus or Pirouette at the Circus, 1950
Circus or The Acrobat, 1958
Circus Rider, Horse and Clown, 1961
Column Sculpture or Peasant Woman With Cow or Woman and Animal, 1953
Composition, 1955
Couple, 1962
Couple or Couple and Animal, circa 1969
Couple With a Bird or Lovers on a Rooster or Lovers and Rooster, 1952
Couple with Goat or Lovers Reclining, 1952
Couple With Tree, 1969
Crowned Bird, 1953
Crucifixion, 1951
Crucifixion, 1952
David and Bathsheba, 1952
David and Bathsheba, 1951
David and Bathsheba With the Moon, 1952
David and Saul, 1950
David with the Lyre, 1950
Diptych of Moses and the Tablets of Stone, 1969
Donkey, Flowers, and Bird or Paradise or Heaven on Earth, 1969
Double Face in Green, 1950
Double Portrait or Double Face, 1969
Elijah’s Chariot, 1951
Flowers or Woman With Bouquet, 1952
Flowers and Bird, 1950
For Vava or the Rooster, 1954
For Vava, 1954
Goat and Rooster, 1952
Green Goat, 1952
Head and profile or Two People, 1962
Head of Christ, 1951
Heads of Two Women or Spring, 1962
Horse Taking Flight or The Farm, 1952
Jacob's Ladder, 1950
Jeremy, 1951
Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife, 1950
Joseph the Shepherd, 1951
Judith and Holofernes, 1950
King David, 1953
King David, 1951
La Fontaine’s Fables: The Rooster and the Pearl, 1950
Large Figures, 1962
Lovers or Wave with Donkey and Bird, 1952
Lovers, 1962
Lovers and the Beast, 1957
Lovers on Rooster, 1951
Lovers With a Bouquet, 1951 - 1952
Lovers With Goat, 1950
Madonna with Tree, 1951
Matte White Vase, 1956
Mauve Vase, 1962
Morning or Nude with Bird, 1953
Moses, 1952
Moses and the Tablets of Stone, 1950
Moses and the Tablets of the Law, 1950
Moses at the Spring, 1950
Moses Receiving the Tablets of Stone, 1951
Mother and Child, 1951
Nude With Raised Arms, 1953
Nude with Rooster or Nude with Blue Hair, 1952
Nudes or Two Nudes With Goat, 1951
Ochre Bouquet, 1955
Peasant at the Well II, 1953
Promenade I, 1957
Queen Esther or The Queen of Sheba, 1951
Red Plate or Couple and Donkey, 1953
Rooster or Woman with Rooster or Rooster-Woman, circa 1952
Rooster in the Dark, 1950
Rooster-Woman, 1952
Samson Breaking the Columns of the Temple, 1950
Sculpted Vase, 1952
Self-portrait, circa 1952
Self-portrait, 1968 - 1969
Still Life With Fish, 1952
Still Life With Fruit, 1951
The Benediction or Isaac Blessing Jacob, 1950
The Betrothed or Two Women, 1962
The Circus, 1968 - 1969
The Creation of Man, 1959
The Creation of Man, 1959
The Creation of Man, 1959
The Creation of Man, 1959
The Crossing of the Red Sea, 1951
The Crossing of the Red Sea, 1956
The Descent from the Cross, 1951
The Donkey, 1950
The Dream, 1952
The Flight into Egypt, 1968 - 1969
The House, 1952
The Opera House, 1953
The Painter and the Crucifixion, 1962
The Paris series: Couple at the Eiffel Tower or The Bridges of Paris, 1953
The Paris series: Place de la Concorde, 1953
The Paris series: The Arch of Triumph, 1953
The Rooster, 1954
The Sun, 1951
Two Heads With a Hand or Two Heads, One Hand, circa 1952 - 1953
Two Nudes, 1953
Two Nudes or Adam and Eve or Column Sculpture, 1953
Upside-down or Vence, 1952 - 1953
Vase with Fruit, 1952
Woman and Bird or For Ramié, 1962
Woman and Donkey in the Dark, 1953
Woman Bathing, 1953
Woman on Bird, 1951
Woman With Fish, 1952
Women and Flowers, 1962